What Chris likes about Antarctica.

Day 11-DSC_2841-smallHours traveled: 9.25
Miles traveled: 13
Total miles traveled: 116.3

Translation from voicemail: Hello, it’s Team 3belowzero, day 11 and we are feeling much more revived than yesterday. We got a little extra sleep, which is great. And we actually had to take a little shower tonight, “shower” in quotes. Anyway what I wanted to do is tell you a little bit about, as I was skiing along for hours today I was thinking about what are some of the top things I really like about Antarctica so far.

So here’s my top few; I really like the sunny days. Yes after many winters in Seattle this is a welcome change.  True the temperatures are colder but the intense sun really invites you outside and gives me energy and hope for the day. The other thing I really like is purity. I love the purity of the landscape, and of the deep blue sky. And even the snow we melt for water.  And I love the purity of the experience. The way we have a singular focus each day. The way we are self sufficient and carrying everything we need to exist.  And finally I love the connection, feeling completely connected to Marty with a shared goal and experience that bonds us. And I love feeling connected to all of those following along on our journey and all the energy you all are giving us. So those are my top three for now. In a future blog we’ll talk about the things that are a challenge or difficult for us here in Antarctica. Those were the things I was thinking about today.

day 11 imageLets see, I had a question I wanted to answer and this is from Shaley, in Washington, (State). And the question is, if Keenan, our son had wanted to go along would we have taken him? Well, Keenan is 12 years old. So we would probably wait til he was at least 16 to consider something like this and he would also need to get lots of cold weather training before we would consider him qualified to come along, but it’s definitely something to aspire to you. If you are a kid and you think you want to do it there is a 16 year old out here right now trying to do it. His name is Lewis Clark. So that is what we have for today and Marty is gonna say something.

Just wanted to say hello to everybody at F5 Networks and especially the corporate operations team. Hello everybody. I hope you are all doing great. We’re just having a hoot out here. Okay, bye. We’re out, Bye.

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  • chris michel

    Marty & Chris-
    It was wonderful meeting you at Union Glacier! I’m loving your blog! Wish I was out there with you! I’ve posted our photoshoot on your facebook page!
    Your fan,
    Chris Michel

  • Jacqueline Fairbrass

    Love that you have shared the uplift of each day. Thank you.

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