Rest day with videos from home and gummy penguins

Day 21 DSC_2859-smallTranslation from voicemail: Hello it’s Day 21 and Sunday, December 22nd. Yes it’s Sunday usually Marty’s blogging night, but he did some blogging for me yesterday so we switched. So today is our official Fagan rest today. We actually decided not to go anywhere today and take a full day off. Which has been pure luxury and kinda because we’re both feeling a bit tired physically and also a bit mentally as well. At the end of yesterday I had a bit of an emotional evening – probably little stresses from the hard work of twenty days and being away from home, kinda caught up with me. But I feel much better today.

We slept for twelve hours and we decided this would be our Christmas kitchen day. We cooked up our big Christmas dinner we brought, which was stuffing, mash potatoes, and gravy creation. With some Chilean style Spam. And we watched videos that people made for us which were really awesome and really sparked us. We took a little bath and washed my hair, washed some clothes. It was really great. I sewed a few things. Marty worked on our skis a little bit, shortening he skins. So maybe we can get a little more glide in our skis. The skins are on the bottom to help give us traction.

Day21-image1What else did we do?  We snacked a lot. And we ate some yummy cookies we brought and the penguin gummy bears are awesome that we got from the Mandelkorns. All in all it has been a really awesome day here and just what the doctor ordered to give us a little more energy and excitement to hit the trail again tomorrow.

We’re estimating now that we have around twenty-four days left to go. But we’ll see how that all goes. But we are feeling good today and it is a little early wish everyone a Merry Christmas but we’re celebrating today. We were gonna try to wait for our rest day for Christmas, but we just decided this was the day. All right, over and out from Team 3belowzero, and we’ll talk to you soon, bye.

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  • Jeannie Dugan

    Happy y’all got some much needed rest….. Merry Christmas to you both….. In my prayers each and every day

    • Chris Fagan

      Merry Christmas to you too!

  • Dina

    Chris and Marty,
    This adventure is a testament to your fortitude and determination, and I’m glad there is also opportunity for some self care time. I’m sure you both needed it!! Thinking about you on your journey! So great to be able to follow along.

    • Chris Fagan

      Thank you, Dina!

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