Marty’s bad day.

Day 34-DSC_2885-smallHours traveled: 9
Miles traveled: 12
Total miles traveled: 405.9
Miles to pole: 173
Elevation: 8000

Translation from voicemail: Hey there, Marty calling in for today’s team 3belowzero voice blog person. I just got in the tent after a nine hour day today and really today was about representing why Chris and I make such a good team. She’s looking at me right now. You know we’ve planned three years for this and there’s a reason why, you know, it hasn’t been done very many times and we both knew that and today my day, really came to have bad day.

I’ve had a bad hour or two. The last hour, every once in awhile. Every day or so I have a bad hour or two hours where I am tired but today I had a bad day. And you know it kinda started off in the morning with looking out the tent into a white out. And just getting out in it, I just had no energy, just down to the very core, I had no mental, mental or physical energy. It was a white out. It was rough. Constantly just sastrugi and big grooves and I just couldn’t lead and I couldn’t concentrate.

Day 34-image1And fortunately why Chris is a good teammate she did have a good day today. And she pretty much led the whole day. I told her if she could lead, I could follow, and I followed for nine hours. Didn’t, couldn’t get it together at all today. I thought sometime I would rally. I didn’t. But I just followed along.

Chris kept leading. At one point she stopped and we hugged and I had my first, first time I cried on the trail. But that’s why this is such a hard thing to do and we know that. And we know we’ll get through that and it’s great to have my spouse out here as a teammate. I think if I was out here with another guy you would have a looked at me and told me to man up, stiff upper lip, you know, all that kinda stuff, punched me in the arm. And I probably would have done the same and with Chris and I it’s different.

Chris has had bad times and I’ve been able to step up, I don’t think she has had a bad day yet. But I certainly did. But we still did nine hours and we got through it. It’s still a white out outside, but great job Chris, leading today and that’s it. Thanks a lot and don’t have anybody to shout out to today. My brain is tired. Marty out.

Showing 12 comments
  • Jacqueline Fairbrass

    This is a beautiful testimonial to your relationship. I’m joining in those tears. Thank you for sharing your blessings.

    • Chris Fagan

      Jacqueline – Thank you so much for your many posts, kind words, well wishes and prayers. It means so much to us to know we have the love and support of folks back home!

  • Denise Paulette

    Dear Marty & Chris, Thank you for your courage and incredible spirit! 2014 has already been filled with rough days but your journey helps me put it in perspective. Thanks Marty for sharing the value and intimacy of a loving partner–there is nothing like it! Blessings for you and Chris. Denise

    • Chris Fagan

      Denise – Thank you so much for your kind words. It truly means a lot to us that folks are supporting us and following along.

  • Patty

    When my son was still young enough to be in a car seat, as we drove around we would sing Hymns and Christmas carols since we had no radio. One day my little boy said “I bet it makes God smile when we sing.”
    For the first time, today’s blog brought tears to my eyes. It also, immediately, brought to mind “I bet it makes God smile as he accompanies you on this journey.” For Him to witness the strength, perseverance, strong will, belief, confidence, mutual love and respect in three of His creations and the support and appreciation shown in a union He blessed must surely give Him pleasure! Very cool! (no pun intended)

    • Chris Fagan

      Patty – Thank you so much for reaching out to us. We certainly feel everyone’s thoughts and prayers and it means a lot to us!

  • Lee Scheel

    Marty, maybe some Antarctica corn would help your outlook.

    Q: What did the big furry hat say to the warm woolly scarf?
    A: “You hang around while I go on ahead.”

    • Chris Fagan

      Ha! Thanks for the laugh, Lee!

  • Wendy Jacobs

    Chris is so dang tough. I remember pacing her for a 100 miler in some really awful weather yet she didn’t whine or complain, she just focused and got it done. Now go on and get it done, both of you!

    • Chris Fagan

      Thanks, Wendy! You’re a great pacer even from thousands of miles away!

  • Theresa Marsh

    Wow, you two are so inspirational! And amazing!

    • Chris Fagan

      Thank you!

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