Hours traveled: 8.5
Miles traveled: 12.9
Total miles traveled: 510.9
Miles to pole: 58.9
Elevation: 9091 ft.
Translation from voicemail: So, Chris here, Team 3belowzero, Day 43. I’m calling this day, “Low clouds can’t stop us.” Yeah, it was a very cloudy, poor visibility day. But we are able to get some good miles in and good progress, thirteen miles, eight and a half hours and we felt really good about that.
So we’re, we’re definitely steadily making our way there people. We’re gonna be there in five days is our prediction. So things are starting to get exciting. No matter what the weather is we feel like we can make some good progress because the terrain has gotten a lot, a lot more friendly.
So we were kind of recalculating how our approach to the Pole and actually, as you’re going to the Pole you have to make a left away from the Pole and go round these special area and then come back towards the Pole. So basically we are adding in another six miles to what we thought was what we had left. But that’s just how it is. So we’re okay with that. We’re just re-jigging our plans for the next five days to make sure we get those miles in.
I thought I’d answer a couple of questions here today. Journey in Washington, (state), asked, have you seen any wildlife? And we have not seen any wildlife because there is none on the interior of Antarctica. So some chunks of snow have blown by and I occasionally would think that was a little rodent or something. And sometimes I have hallucinated seeing birds. But the, the penguins and seals and things are on the coast, so we haven’t seen those.
Luke from Washington asked what happens if you get a disease while traveling. And we have extensive little medical kits that we brought with us with lots of antibiotics. But, buy and large it’s hard for germs to live in this environment so it’s hard to get sick unless you come here being sick. So we tried hard not to get sick before we arrived in Antarctica. So we hopefully have that covered. We’ve been doing pretty well.
So, that’s it for today. I want to give a shout out to our friend Keith Heger from Polar Explorers. I think we gave a shout out earlier on, but we just talked to him tonight to get some advice on navigation, that last part to the pole, and it’s great to get reassurance that we were on the right track. So thanks so much and we will chat with you tomorrow. All right thank you, bye.