Team 3belowzero and their first full day towards the pole. Hours traveled: 7 hrs and 8.5 miles Distance to pole: 553 miles Temperature: 20 F Translation from voice message: Hello, It’s [...]
Chris tells us about their first day heading south. Hours traveled: 2.5 Distance to pole: 560 miles Temperature: 18 F Altitude: Sea Level Translation from voice message: Hello, it’s Chris [...]
This morning we learned that we are not departing for Antarctica as we are still waiting for our weather window. So Marty and I decided we would like to show you a little about our life in Punta [...]
Today Marty and I spent our day organizing our food and gear in a warehouse at an undisclosed location in Punta Arenas, Chile. Why all the secrecy? Because this warehouse holds thousands of [...]
Chris and I spend hours running on the trails together. We use this time to discuss life, dreams, and what expedition tasks still need to be completed. Our main topic as we approach departure [...]