A Married Couple’s South Pole Quest (The Book Stall in Winnetka)
History made at the South Pole! Join Chris Fagan as she shares the story of her daring expedition to the South Pole with her husband (no guide, no resupply).
Chris’ story comes alive through spectacular photos, stories and a reading from her new book, The Expedition: Two Parents Risk Life and Family in an Extraordinary Quest. The husband and wife team journeyed 570 mile over 48 days from the edge of Antarctica to the South Pole. They stretched their minds, bodies, and marriage to the limit in the process of making history. Riveting and inspiring, the story is about the power of family and community, the adventurous spirit that dwells within us all, and breaking through to feel fully alive.
After the presentation, chat with Chris and purchase her new book. Learn more at www.chrisfagan.net and in this recent Seattle Times feature.
All are welcome at this free event.